Efrat Sar-Shalom
Sarat Hashalom (Princess of Peace)
Demonstrator and conveyor of the teaching of Heaven to the earth.
Leading communities of peace to unite in the Teaching of Peace.
Works on earth at Yeshua the Nazarene’s instruction, in order to bring peace and grace and healing to the Creation and it’s inhabitants amongst all nations.
Peacemaker, establisher of Abode of Peace for praying and delivering the teaching of Peace.
Sister to Shira Ben Chaim in Women of Peace Heaven and Earth, who shares in this life mission.

Shira Ben-Chaim
The deliverer of the words of truth and peace, from Yeshua the Nazarene.
With her consent, she carries out activities of peace, for those whom God created and for the entire Creation.
Sister to Efrat Sar-Shalom in Women of Peace Heaven and Earth, who shares in this life mission.

“Beloved brothers, we are going through this path together.
Our Home is awaiting in endless serenity, till we appease our minds,
bring peace to our thoughts, see peace in each other.

We will bless our lands with peace,
make peace in all the countries and peoples,
bless in peace the water and the seas,
the animals,
the plants and the trees.
Our minds will unite in the blessing of peace, while knowing its innocence.
We are all equal.
The Peace of God is gently waiting in our mind, until we consent.
The time is now.
This is the time of peace.
We will give our consent to peace.”

Here are Yeshua of Nathzreth words.
He is asking to deliver his messages.

“I greet you with the blessing of peace, my messengers.
Women of peace, please deliver my words.
I turn to you with a request, in holiness. The request of our Father, is that we return to him as we remember our peace.
I turn to you, women of peace, pass on my words, the words of song and praise, peace and blessing.
I will bless the whole Sonship.
I request from you, the women of peace, your total and mighty commitment.
Speak my words, teach the certainty of innocence, in My Name,
so that peace will take its place in your clean, pure, whole minds.
Teach my instruction in My Name.
I know that we were created as One.
We are united for eternity in endless purity, in beauty that the eye cannot behold, in eternal Love.
I know you and you will teach My ways.
The mighty light in which we are all united, will shine eternally in your minds.
Please convey these words of mine,
Be the messengers of Truth.
Messengers of Love and of Peace.
Women of Peace, this is your role.”

Our deapest Gratitud
We are here to serve You All

Efrat Sar-Shalom   &    Shira Ben Chaim
Women of peace Heaven and Earth

