The Light will rise from the East

22.1.19 The light will rise in the East

You who bring the peace of God to the world,
Are in need of help that is given in the world of dreams.
My help is rendered from above.
The people who live in the world of dreams, need your help.
The belief in the body, in money,
The belief in relationships as a substitute for the Love of God.
All these are laws of the world that require healing,
That require help.
The exact people are sent to you.
Be of help in the teaching of the peace of God and His love.
My beloved messengers,
Please be one with me in your love.
Write my words,
Spread my message to all who ask to receive it.
To every mind that has strayed and thinks
that the laws of the world are his laws.
To every mind that has wrongly assumed, that his Father has forgotten him.
To every mind that wishes to recall His one peace.
Bestow my words as a gift of grace and blessing, from me to his mind.
I know you my beloved ones,
I know your blessing,
The work of forgiveness that you must do.
It is holy work; the work of peace and healing.
Grant your forgiveness as a gift,
For it is a most precious, valuable gift.
Offer your love to each and every one.
Cast your light, for it is my light.
The one light we share with God.
One in His Love.
One in His Holiness.
This is your love.
How multiple are your deeds of kindness.
How holy is the way.
Go in certainty, my beloved ones.
Lights from the Heavens illuminate from above.
By your forgiveness, love and peace will prevail for all.

My sisters, my beloved ones, my messengers,
Your way is certain.

The light will rise in the East on the holy city.
The light will rise in the East and the land will be filled with light.
The light will cleanse the whole world.
And the earth will be filled with the goodness of life.
And the water will be filled with abundance from the Heavens,
And the seas will be filled with marine life and living things,
And the air will be clear.
People will walk the Earth,
While remembering that they are from the Heavens.
They will walk with the knowledge of the love of God,
As they deliver the Holy light to one another.
And there will be one love for all.
And the whole Creation will be filled
With one light in His image.
One love.
And as we walk on the way,
I will remind us all of our love
Until the dream of separation passes,
And is gone as if it never was.
In our unified minds,
We will return as one to the home of Our Father
And the Son of God will know that peace has come.

Beloved daughter, my words are for you to deliver.
I know you in your love.
Be in your consent to me.
Offer your forgiveness
And heal all those who request healing.
Because you came from the Heavens.
Offer your light to each and every one.
The beauty of your splendor is not from here,
But from God.
The beauty of the splendor of the Creation,
In which everything is unified.
My beloved daughter.
Know that you gave your consent a long time ago.
Know that in your unified mind with me,
It is safeguarded for eternity.
Know that I live forever in your mind.
I will never forsake you.
You are beautiful my daughter,
In your perfect glow.
Do what you must do.
See how the way is spread out before you,
With infinite gentleness.
Deliver my words as I have requested.
The Heavens shine on your mind, with your consent.