I remind you of your commitment and your consent to listen to my words and to deliver them.
This you do, as I have requested.
I give an answer to every request, to every prayer, to every call for help.
You are the means and the way, through which my words are delivered,
and healing is gently enabled in the minds that request to be united again under my instruction.
On this date, on which you will all gather for one shared prayer of peace;
On this date, I will be alive in your memory.
On this date, we will mark the freedom that we received at the time of our creation.
The freedom to be in a state of love, in holiness, One with our Father, One in our abilities to create.
On this day, you will all unite.
On this day, the whole Sonship will unite, in your remembrance of my resurrection, of the guiltlessness,
of the light in which you were created, of holiness.
Be free of all guilt.
Be free, because on your journey in the wilderness, you knew God.
Be free, because you remember this now.
Be free – it is time for freedom, it is time for resurrection, it is time for peace.
I turn to you, my beloved brothers and sisters, I turn to you in holiness.
A reminder resounds in your minds now.
One reminder of One Love.
On this day, I know your unification.
Take my path, because it is in your hands to see the joy that is your gift.
Walk in my footsteps and I will lead you once again on the path, that we traversed together.
With great joy, I will deliver anew the way of Love.
Miracles will be revealed in your eyes, in your understanding that the source of One Love
is the source of all the miracles.
I go with you on the path that I took, so that you will be able to see once again, the love
in my eyes, and know my lessons, as I taught them, as I wanted you to learn them.
I, your Brother, lead you on a journey of healing, love and peace.
Walk in my footsteps, extend my blessing, recount the story of Love, from the beginning,
so that it will be received once again with a blessing.
I, your elder brother, request this of you, because we walk on the path
that leads us to Heaven.
Blessings to you, my brothers and sisters, my beloved students.
I know you on your path.