The world of illusions exists no more, so what is my world?

עורגת נפשי, נישאת רוחי – שיעור 4
Words of Yeshua the Nazarene

The world of illusions exists no more, so what is my world?

My beloved children,
my powerful children, whose strength comes not from them, whose power is as great as His and whose wisdom is the Wisdom of Heaven,
my children, who dwell in darkness, pay attention and listen closely, for this lesson is for you, to soothe your minds and souls.

For days of inferno have come upon the earth, inferno and gloom, and endless darkness. And the minds are darkened and no light shines in them, and they need loud reminders. My shocked, sad children, torn by heartbreak and lamentation in my land, for the one soul is injured by countless grudges and furious lashing out.

I gather in your hearts and carry them to the light.

Indeed, my children, in my One understanding I leave not my brothers to wallow in the gloom of their aching souls.
For I have chosen to save you, and this will I do.
And I have given my consent to Him, to be in my mission for the sake of my brothers.
Oh my pure, aching children, I will raise your minds and lift them up to Him. Until the world of illusions will end as though it never was, for it is not of Him.
And I will entrust your pure minds with maintaining the new world, for it will be created again in your thought that is united with Him.

Oh my children, pay attention and hear that I have come this day to convey my teaching, for in it is but peace¬¬–peace and forgiveness.
My children, let us rise up above the divided world, above the nonsensical ravings that sweep in delusions of killing and destruction, that insist on proving that destruction is real and that life is cut short because children are sinners, because soil is being desecrated.

Please, my children, for the sake of all yout brothers, rise up beyond the horrors of separation.
The knowledge of peace is pivotal now.
And I will put you in the safety of the real world, that you must keep in your memory for the sake of those who walk up and down, to know the peace that is in all.

And so, my children, the light has come.
Rise up with me above the complexities of the world, above its thousands of changing forms, to His gladdening unity.
There lies Peace for you, my daughter.
There lies Peace for you, my child.

My child, imagine your mind enfolded in light, and yourself resting in the primal sinlessness of the world before its creation was realized. Your mind floating in light, kept safe forever in His whole Kingdom, with not a thought separate from His Thought.
You can feel this as circles of light enveloping your holy head. The body is no longer present nor needed, for You are One in His Kingdom and all your service is peace. The circles of light enfold and hold all of His Extentions in Heaven and on earth, and all His Messengers are at peace, safe and sound. And those going up and down are His Messengers, the angels of peace who are no longer called to their mission, but wait to become One by bringing peace.

My child, made in His Image, rest peacefully in the idea of peace,
for in it Life is He, and you are one in Him.
The world of illusion is no more.
This is the real world, boundlessly clear and spotless and pure,
in which your mind dwells with Him,
and where rests the tired world that arises to return to the beginning of the Idea of its Creation.
Where the Son arises to bless his Father as he comes back to the shelter of His kingdom.
Where peace remains as eternal gospel in His mouth,
as He comes gently to welcome Him. (The Father comes to welcome the Son).

And now, my son, keep this image of peace in your holy mind,
and you, my daughter, keep this memory for His sake,
For you came to bring peace to the earth, knowing peace.

I love you, my children,
and your steps will I protect
as we walk together on the path of peace.