The Teaching of Yeshua the Nazarene
November 11-22 2022
New York-Presbyterian/ Columbia University
Where Dr. Helen Cohen Schucman and Dr. and Bill Thetford gave their first consent to Yeshua at this time.
The teaching is dedicated to Helen and Bill.
At this time we are receiving the continuation of ACIM.
It is a new teaching. We receive it in Hebrew.
This teaching is a Key to awakening.
The workshops are:
The Transition – November 11-15 2022.
Miracle Workers – Realization of Healing – November 16-21 2022.
Mission – November 22 2022
Fee: $1280 for each or $2320 for both.
The Gathering on the November 22 is free.
The Place:
New York-Presbyterian/ Columbia University Irving Medical Center
650 West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032
About us:
Efrat Sar-Shalom
Sarat Hashalom (Princess of Peace)
Demonstrator and conveyor of the teaching of Heaven to the earth.
Leading communities of peace to unite in the Teaching of Peace.
Works on earth at Yeshua the Nazarene’s instruction, in order to bring peace and grace and healing to the Creation and it’s inhabitants amongst all nations. Peacemaker, establisher of Abode of Peace for praying and delivering the teaching of Peace.
Sister to Shira Ben Chaim in Women of Peace Heaven and Earth, who shares in this life mission.
Shira Ben Chaim
The deliverer of the words of truth and peace, from Yeshua the Nazarene.
With her consent, she carries out activities of peace, for those whom God created and for the entire Creation.
Sister to Efrat Sar-Shalom in Women of Peace Heaven and Earth, who shares in this life mission.
Introduction to Zoom for all programs on 10.10.22
Preparation class for students 1.11.22
The Zoom link is :
fore registration please write us:
WhatsApp : +972-545299877
The Transition Workshop
This teaching is important as it deals with Love in the moments of transition,
with the Love of God that is never absent at all times and places,
and is present Forever in all things.
In these moments we must be knowing and helpful.
For only if we know the wholeness of this Love
can we know the meaning of Eternity,
which is His Gift to us.
The Gift that He gave us in His Love.
These teachings are crucial for understanding that we are Eternal.
Not as the idea of glorifying the separateness of the small mind,
but for the understanding that we are One, united Forever in His Love.
These teachings are transmitted meticulously in order to serve those
who walk the earth, who give their consent to be of service in the moments of transition, while remembering and knowing the Love of God in which they are kept Forever in Heaven and earth.
Yeshua’s words – Nov 11 2019
Miracle Workers – Realization of Healing
The consent to be healed is the first and basic stage in any healing process.
Consent to be healed is the total reversal of the perception of the ego about holding on to sickness.
The source of any illness is the refusal to know the state of perfect unity with the Father.
Consent to be healed means giving up the false perceptions about the separation.
Healing has nothing to do with the body, but rather with the sickness that takes its place materially in this way.
Consent is needed only for healing the perception.
The son of the earth can know about the state of absence of healing while he examines the state of his wholeness by means of his body.
Of course, the state of the body does not reflect anything about the state of healing, but it certainly does enable him to know what is the state of absence of healing.
Therefore the consent to be healed is a basic condition for the healing of the mind, as it returns to the state of perfect unity and knowledge of the truth.
Thus is healing accomplished.
Yeshua’s words – March 3 2021