5 August 2021 – Assembly – ACIM
A Course in Miracles was just the beginning.
I knew even then that actions had to be done on the earth.
My teaching, nevertheless, was delivered in full to the minds that were kind enough to welcome it.
That was the first stage. For I had to create a unified language
and pass on the ideas in a clear way, again and again,
until the obstacles to understanding them were removed in the split mind.
The reception process of the teaching was also fascinating,
because my students excelled in their joint consent
to receive and convey my teaching to the earth.
All the more so, they could convey it by demonstration.
As practical as it was, using it was only possible after its dissemination,
and for this I thank my messenger Judith Skutch Whitson, who walks the earth on her mission.
A Course in Miracles was delivered as a complete teaching including:
a theoretical basis, a workbook for students and a manual for teachers.
The extensions, The Song of Prayer and Psychotherapy, were delivered later,
in order to widen the theoretical basis and consolidate the ideas.
So the purpose of this teaching was one:
to convey the ideas of peace on the earth
and train the mind to accept them.
It was not possible to demonstrate it at the time of its delivery,
therefore it was laid in safekeeping with the messengers of God, who went deeper in their learning of it,
and were wise enough to teach it as a path of peace.
Wrong perceptions must be uprooted,
and the truth must take its place in the minds of the holy Sons of God.
I knew this.
And nevertheless, I recognized the limitation of this path
as only a teaching to bring peace to all of His Children.
And what else would I ask for, in my mission?
At this time, my teaching is brought for the second time.
This document, which came in its entirety, is a learning aid.
But it is not enough,
for the world needs to wake up to the Truth of God.
Deep learning such as this will imprint the ideas in the mind which asks for peace,
but will not be able to guarantee a unified awakening to the truth.
For there is no unified echo in the change of perception,
one that enables passage to a miraculous thought system, unified with the Mind of God.
This will take a long time, and this state preserves the split.
And this is why it is no longer possible to preserve the split consciousness.
For the world cries out for peace,
and your hand will hold the key that I will give you in my mission to appease all of the minds.
To those who oppose this idea,
you can easily look around, and examine the reflection of your vision at this moment.
Does my vision show even the tiniest of perishable things?
Is there a fearful thought kept in my mind at this moment, one that was impossible to remove?
Do I walk in my mission on earth, knowing the Truth of God?
One negative answer to one of these questions is enough to realize
that prolonged work leads, in a prolonged path, to corners that are dead ends.
My students,
my messengers upon the earth.
I appeal to you on the path of peace,
to meet me, for your sake, on the highway as a wanderer who knows it.
I wandered this earth, knowing Heaven.
And now is the time I call upon you to unite in receiving my teaching for the second time.
Actions of peace are needed on the earth,
and changing the minds will be immediate when consent is given to do so.
Please do not reject my plea.
For I come unto you,
you who know my teaching, for it is His Teaching.
And I come in His Name to bring peace to the earth.
The purpose of A Course in Miracles was for us to meet at this time, and complete our work.
And now is the time for peace.
I convey my teaching to my messengers,
Women of Peace Heaven and Earth, who, in eternity,
have given their consent to be in their service, and bring the teaching of Heaven to the earth.
Sarat HaShalom is the demonstrator and the conveyor of my teaching.
This is the time for us to unite in one prayer, a prayer of peace.
The ideas of peace will echo in all of the minds.
No longer will there be a stranger in his land.
Not one of His Children will walk
not knowing whence he came and why he walks on the earth.
And joy will prevail among the children of the earth,
for they will know that they are in their mission.
Blessings and peace from me to all people of all nations.
Blessings and peace to you, as you receive my teaching.
Blessings and peace in your consent to know the Truth of God.
“Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.”