Miracle Workers – The Realization of Healing

Teaching of Peace  by Yeshua the Nazarene:
A key to awakening.

Miracle Workers – The Realization of Healing

July 14th to 20st, 2024

 Jerchel, Germany

With Efrat Sar-Shalom, Shira Ben Chaim and Yehonatan Bar-Ilan


The Words of Yeshua
“My pure, endlessly blessed students. The good time has come for us to know the Teaching of Peace again. Obviously, the Lessons of Love were given in full.
Our Teacher accompanies us on the way, conveying the Truth of Heaven to bring us before Him, keeping our steps in His Way to bring us to Him.

Oh my children, the time has come for our mission to be known to us.
We have one mission, and it is all peace.
Therefore, as I deliver this teaching, my Father shows me how to guide you in a peaceful way until you reach Him.
His messengers were sent by Him to bring peace to the earth as they pass on the way.
And I am here to ease their way and teach them as my Teacher has taught me.
At this time the teaching of peace is conveyed for you in seven teaching programs.
The first one to be conveyed in its entirety is The teaching of Healing.
The realization of healing is the purpose of every mind that knows peace.
So have I taught as I passed on the way, and so will I convey to my students who give their consent to be in their mission.
So let us be on our way.
The dates of teaching have been set for July 14, 2024.
Gather, all those who give their consent to know their mission by knowing the power of healing that is of Him.
Six days of teaching will be wholly dedicated to imparting the principles of thought in the knowledge of healing, and to practically recognizing it as the possible way for it to be realized in everything.
The seventh day will be devoted to experiencing it fully, using the Instrument of Healing delivered to demonstrate it in the minds awakening to the knowledge of His wholeness.
There is much work for us. Your agreement is needed, for healing is much needed on the earth, and His messengers must awaken to their mission by conveying it.
Blessings and thanks, my children.
Blessings from the Heavens which bless your consent.
Blessings as you give His Peace and Love.
Peace will come to all.”

Efrat Sar-Shalom   
Sarat Hashalom Demonstrator and conveyor of the teaching of Heaven to the earth.
Leading communities of peace to unite in the Teaching of Peace.
Works on earth at Yeshua the Nazarene’s instruction, in order to bring peace and grace and healing to the Creation and it’s inhabitants amongst all nations.
Peacemaker, establisher of Abode of Peace for praying and delivering the teaching of Peace. Sister to Shira Ben Chaim in Women of Peace Heaven and Earth, who shares in this life mission.

Shira Ben-Chaim
The deliverer of the words of truth and peace, from Yeshua the Nazarene.
With her consent, she carries out activities of peace, for those whom God created and for the entire Creation. Sister to Efrat Sar-Shalom in Women of Peace Heaven and Earth, who shares in this life mission.


Yehonatan Bar-Ilan  
Carries out his mission to convey and demonstrate his understanding of The Knowledge of Heaven.
Implements His Plan of demonstrating healing by dedicating the Instrument of Healing to the understanding of the ideas of peace.
Partner and brother of Women of Peace Heaven and Earth in their one mission: to bring light and peace by realizing healing on earth.

Teaching of Peace  by Yeshua the Nazarene:
A key to awakening.

Miracle Workers – The Realization of Healing

July 14th to 20st, 2024


WHERE: Heilandhof, Horststraße 2, 39517 Jerchel

Begin: Sun, 14th of July 2024, 10:00am.
End: Sun, 20th of July 2024, 8pm.

COSTS: Participation at theworkshop 860 Euro (Payments in 4 increments per credit card are possibleTeilzahlungen sind per Kreditkarte in 4); 60 Euro advance payment to save your spot

To register please send an email to acim@efratsarshalom.com

Accommodation and Food
Beds at the venue are available in a limited number. B&B’s are within easy reach. During the week we are taking care of the food our selves.
For your accommodation please contact
Andreas Scholz +49 163 809 1622