Introduction 2 – Realization of Healing Workshop Germany

14 June 2024

The Miracle Workers – The Realization of Healing

This is the fourth program conveyed to the world for the bringing of peace.
We are here to bring healing, and this is our entire purpose in our knowledge of the truth.
The Peace of God is already laid in the existence of healing, which is the wholeness of everything.

And so, why do the sons of the earth need it in their attempt to achieve it in their mistaken understanding?

My children,
the knowledge of healing is decisive as an idea, the basis of which is the denial of sickness, and not replacing it with another by a stubborn attempt to follow the ailments of the body, which come and go and change endlessly.

My children,
for this have we come together.
For this is my call sent out to you.
The function of the Son lies in his release from past perceptions and preservation of thought sickness.
And thus have I given to you the way to know the power of healing, which is from Him.

Surely when I came here I walked among my students and friends,
even among the beggars and the sick with various earthly illnesses.
I seeked them and knew peace for them.
The great healers called to me to save their brothers.

And the needy also called to me,
and attributed miracles to me and asked to see hidden mysteries.

After all, I intended and claimed that I came to teach them,
and that the power of healing is within our recognition of Him.
For had we not known separate ways,
the healing would have been present and evident to anyone with peace in their mind.

And they wanted me as miracle worker,
and thus was my teaching garbled and scrambled,
for I came to teach them about Him, not to serve as a symbol of His Divinity.

My children,
I come thus to gather you to together,
for your consent to my teaching has already been given.
For you know peace
and Him, in Whom all is present;
our Father, who conveys His Wholeness into our minds,
imprinted healing as a perfect representation of the Idea of His whole Creation.

And so, let us be on our way.
Time is very short.
False stories and beliefs will not advance us toward conveying the Idea of Healing as it was conveyed from Him.

And therefore give me your consent to comply to your mission.
My voice will burn and rise as an eternal flame in your holy minds.
My words will spread out like a silken rug at your nimble feet.
My hands will be in your hands to convey the frequencies of healing,
for I have arisen to save you as you understand it completely.

Peace, my children,
blessings to my innocent sons, my barefoot daughters, who renew their pact and their love as they seek the truth.
We came together because the time has come to carry the ideas of peace to the earth
and make them real and alive in the name of bringing life.

Blessings, my children, blessings in your consent.
Peace comes to earth
and healing is sorely needed.