A Call for Peace

Messages arrive at the time that you consent to listen.
Be assured that the messages arrive in a precise manner at their destination.
The whole Sonship will receive them as one with no difference, because they are not meant to be heard separately.
There is no possibility for you to make an error; I unite my Mind with your mind and the Unified Mind conveys messages of truth and healing and holiness.
As for the meeting place,I have requested that you gather in New-York on Sunday, on the 9th day of the 9th month of this year, where consent was first given, to receive my message in its entirety.
I direct your ways, that they may be light and safe and effortless. The precise people will answer my call.
There is a great necessity for you to unite. To act together for the sake of peace.
The peace that will heal all minds. that will bring serenity and relief to all pain, to every sense of loss, to all thoughts of sin.
You must act together.
Your unity will enable this truth to be conveyed and to be received with simplicity, as if there never had been a belief in anything else, apart from this one.
The peace of God asks to heal your separated minds.
My gift to you is this –
I will gently carry you together with me.
The gift of forgiveness I bring to you.
Use it, learn to forgive because you have never sinned.
Bring my forgiveness to your minds and learn to forgive as I have forgiven.
This is my gift and my guidance
For the peace of God
For you return as One to the Home that you never left.
I turn to you with this reminder.
My request is that you continue to convey these extremely important messages, for the sake of your healing and the healing of the whole Sonship.
These ideas have already been conveyed
And now it is time to act for the sake of peace
This is the time of peace
This is the time that the world will be blessed and the whole Sonship will be blessed with the blessing of peace.
This is the time in which the whole Sonship will unite in the Mind of God
This is the time of healing for all the separation and the split.
This is the time of forgiveness for all the mistakes of the past.
In this time you will unite and act together, you will follow my instruction my your demonstration.
Distribute these messages and heal the pain of the whole world.

A break

Princes of peace (Efrat’s last name in Hebrew and this is how he call her) is my student from ancient times, when it was forbidden for women to teach the holy scriptures
Nothing prevented her will, her desire, her dedication to listen to my guidance.
The love and the faith that connected us was great and pure.
I bless and thank her choice in the way of peace and love, for her diligence and determination and bless and thank
Her commitment to the Holy work is a gift for the healing of the world and the ushering in of peace.
And I support and accompany in her doings as she supports me in mine.

Thank you for agreeing to convey my messages.