Peace Gathering

This peace gathering will be the first of many.

The circles of peace will expand, and with my help the light will spread through you to all continents, all countries, all peoples, all of you who want peace. The time has come for the messages of peace to spread and envelop the Sonship with light.

The ways for spreading the messages are diverse so that they will be heard and accepted in all the minds.

You who gave your consent in full trust and knowledge that this is what you must do, will begin the distribution of the messages in circles you will create around yourselves.

Each one of you knows the gifts of God that you have received in order to be used to this end.

I shall guide you lovingly.

My voice will be heard and my words will echo. You who have answered my call, my words echo to your minds because you have already recognized that we are one and that we walk together.

Spread the messages of love for the recognition of this.

For the innocence and the purity of each and every creature of God.

For the recognition that we are equal.

One, with no differences.

The messages of peace will reverberate to you, and from you will pass on gently to every mind that is willing to accept them until they are heard in the entire Sonship as one truth, throbbing in the Mind of God forever.

Listen to my words. I will guide you. The way will carry you easily, softly and simply as you agree to walk it.

I bless and thank you for your consent.

Great is the healing in this journey of peace. I know this as I know you, my brothers.