Thanks to the 8 people for your concent – NYC

Thank you beloved  brothers and sisters, for answering my call.
I am with you, safeguarding and accompanying your steps and lighting up the way.
The ways led you here to this holy meeting,
In which your consent was sealed once again,
to follow in my footsteps and bring peace to all the minds, whoever they are.

I give my thanks.
This is a time of peace.
The conveying of the messages of peace is necessary at this time.
I know you and the way that you are going.
The way is blessed and blessed are those who have answered my call.

The way will lead you in safety,
And you are guided to continue to go.
Many you will come after you.
This I pledge.
Teach your consent and safeguard it in your mind.
The Holy Spirit will shine the way with its great light,
And you will walk in It, without fear.

Do what you need to do, with gentleness and with holiness,
and with the Knowledge that I walk side by side with you,
Whispering  to you all that you need to know.

Thank you teachers of light for your service, for your consent, for your saying yes.
God envelopes you with  his  blessing.
Be blessed, by your knowing the peace of God.