The Six Orders of Light – Keys for Changing Consciousness

30 May 2022

My daughter, write down as I instruct:
The six orders of light are keys for changing consciousness.
You must learn them in six series made up of six lessons each.
A circular chain will create a continuity of consent that can generate
an all-embracing change of consciousness among my students.

Come together, my students, in the light.
We are going on a 36-day journey.
A net of light will be present in your minds that are united with me,
because your awareness of the fabric of light will be clear and wide as it was at the time of its Creation.

Be prepared, my children.
This journey will require nothing but your consent.
The net of light must join together as one, and so, my students of the world, please join together as one.

My teaching will be conveyed and translated at once.
The teaching will begin on 6 June, and will last six weeks.
Six days of teaching per week.
The hours of teaching: 06:00 to 07:30.

Those who give their consent to my speedy teaching will save much time.

The teaching will be conveyed in English and Spanish at 21:00 to 22:30.
Cost: 3,600 shekels, 1,200 euros.

For those who try to estimate the measure of investment of resources,
following my messenger’s thoughts on this matter, because the chains of the world’s illusions on the split mind are dense and twisted, and do not give respite.

So listen, my children. Earthly resources are important and necessary when their investment is according to the plan for salvation. You do not act in this way, as you invest the earthly resources in the attempt to release yourselves from guilt, and this, my children, will not be useful. For the chains of guilt pull so much that any activities originating from guilt will be useless for the miserable attempt to cover it up.
So, my children, desist from this futile effort. Earthly resources will be found according to the proper investment that matches Heaven’s plan. Moreover, you will be astounded by the understanding that earthly resources have no effect whatsoever in your minds when all of your needs are satisfied one after the other, until there is no need left, for thought about needs originates in the small mind, which knows itself as lacking.

Indeed, sometimes earthly needs seem real, but we will not live our lives here accordingly. For a Divine plan guides our steps, and we will not stop walking while forgetting Who it is who sent us, and where we are headed.
And this, my children, is the only need you must satisfy in your complete knowledge of this. And any other need will fade by itself, and so the feeling left will be that all needs were satisfied, because from the onset there was nothing at all to them, and so they will be wiped from your awareness.

Nevertheless, my children, let me guide you on the way. Our way on the earth is important, as I am one with you in your mission, as I am your brother and savior who marks his way in the dark for you to see. I will offer you Heaven, my service to you as I am in my mission, for our Father has sent me to you, to show you the way. And nothing is required of you but your consent to be one with me in the light.

The time of salvation is when our consciousness as one is awakened.
Would you invest your resources, knowing this?
All this has already happened, for never has our Father left His Children lost and without answer.
But this knowledge waits quietly and shining in our one Mind.
I will take you there with your consent to wake up to my light.

My children,
We will not stay in darkness for even one moment,
for the light has come.
And therefore, lay aside all that is yours,
all that you thought would bring salvation.
All that you know to be a false idea,
and come to our one mission.

This time will shine beyond all reminders.
For in it was our consent, given again, to unite in one knowledge.