Yom Kippur 2020

This day will be dedicated to forgiveness among your people.
This day should be dedicated to forgiveness among all peoples.
Forgiveness in the minds of the holy Sons of God.
The forgiveness of Heaven is wrapped gently around your holy heads.
Heaven’s forgiveness shall be your gift.
Welcome it.
The Knowledge of God lies in it, the forgiveness is eternal.
The state of sinlessness is a natural state for the Son of God Who knows His Father in His Love.
Do not err, holy Children of His.
Do not err in perceptions of sin and iniquity.
For Heaven knows the state of One Mind.
For the Father knows His Son in his eternal sinlessness.
Do not err, His holy Children, in fasting and remorse.
The Son did not sin, and in his forgetfulness went far,
down the earth’s paths.
And although he was never forsaken, not for a moment, he imagines he was abandoned and forgotten,
his mind enveloped with darkness and he knows not the way.
And when he returns to Him, His Answer lies in his mind,
Shining yet trampled in the shadows.
Thoughts of sin and sacrifice and fear, of abandonment, sickness and death, of forgetfulness and sadness and redemption.
For the Son imagines he will be redeemed by sharing from his darkness his thoughts of scarcity and helplessness.
Lost is the Son in the obscurity, and he whips himself for his sin,
whips and forgets and whips,
and finds no rest.
And on this day he expects forgiveness that will redeem him from his misery, if only for a while.
The Son is not lost.
His mind will be awakened at once
when he knows the gift of forgiveness.
It will completely reconcile his tired mind.
It will stream living water into his cracked veins.
And the Son will return completely to his Father,
Who knows him whole and pure and immaculate
from the time of his creation.
Gone in the light are the nightmares,
and the Son needs not beat nor forgive.
But rather, lay down his thankfulness as a gift,
the thankfulness in which the Son knows the Father and Himself,
united with Him.
Hear, people of all nations.
Come in peace and one forgiveness,
in which the Father knows all His Sons in love.